EzraBio, Inc.

EzraBio is a company providing researchers with the ability to perform ribosome profiling from a wide range of biological samples with ease. By looking into global translation with superior resolution, it is now possible to uncover hidden coding potential, dissect translational response, identify tumor-associated antigens, and guide mRNA therapeutics.

Mission-Driven Tech

Mission-Driven Tech is a women’s health venture dedicated to the transformation of gynecologic cancer care with modern technology.

Abstractive Health

Abstractive Health helps doctors read and write clinical notes faster with an automated summary. We condense hundreds of pages of clinical notes into a few key sentences using NLP.

Tethered Enzyme Technologies, Inc.

Tethered Enzyme Technologies, Inc. is a clinical-stage platform nanomedicine company focused on enabling actionable insights for high-consequence disease decision-making.

REEgen Inc.

REEgen is reimagining the global rare earth supply by replacing the most harmful production steps with clean microbial processes, securing these critical elements for a future of unbounded, widespread renewable energy. Other applications include screens of smartphones, computers, flat-panel televisions, the motors of computer drives, batteries of hybrid and electric cars, and new generation light bulbs.

Forte Protein Inc.

Forte Protein uses a plant-based technology to produce a broad spectrum of meat, fish, and dairy proteins without the need for animals eliminating the carbon footprint involved in animal agriculture.

Ratio Therapeutics

A discovery through early clinical phase pharmaceutical company, Ratio Therapeutics employs a suite of innovative technologies to develop best-in-class targeted radiotherapeutics for the treatment of cancers.

KanduPay, Inc.

KanduPay, Inc. is a dynamic cryptocurrency exchange, e-Wallet, and remittance solution that facilitates and eases the exchange of fiat & digital currencies, financial transactions, and wallet services across market channels for its platform users supporting major currencies across the globe (KanduPay.com).

XenImmune Therapeutics

XenImmune Therapeutics is developing a novel antibody-enzyme fusion to target tumors and trigger the robust immune response known as hyper-acute rejection.

Pelex, Inc.

Pelex is a digital health platform for pelvic floor disorders built on a proprietary connected medical device. The goal of the company is to revolutionize the patient experience by bringing diagnosis AND treatment of pelvic floor disorders out of the clinic and into the home.