In an academic research environment, gap funding provides critical support to promising technologies and innovations that have great commercial potential but are “too early” for licensing or investment to help validate the innovation and reduce risk.
What is Ignite?

Ignite: Cornell Research Lab to Market gap funding series is overseen and managed by Center for Technology Licensing, Cornell’s tech transfer office, and supported by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (“OVPRI”). Its purpose is to accelerate technology commercialization, venture creation and growth, and corporate collaboration, create training and career opportunities for students and researchers for entrepreneurship and advance Cornell innovation for societal impact and university mission.
With major expansion in FY2022, funding level for the Ignite series has been increased to $3 million per year with ambitious goals to grow innovation pipeline for success and impact. The gap funding series is supported by the Provost’s office and a generous donation from Peggy J. Koenig ’78.

Ignite Program Overview
Under the Ignite umbrella, there are four signature programs and additional initiatives. While each unique in their applications, all programs operate with common goals to increase value and reach the next inflection point by enabling proof of concept projects with clear results that lead to and justify further engagement and development from investors and corporate partners, and to help grow entrepreneurs and teams for startups.
The Ignite series is overseen and managed by Center for Technology Licensing, Cornell’s tech transfer office.