We are pleased to announce the launch of the CTL Practicum, the new internship program at the Center for Technology Licensing (CTL).
CTL Practicum is an experiential program to gain valuable exposure to the process of commercialization of university-based research.
The selected practicants will receive a robust training, will be exposed to a wide range of emerging technologies, and will gain experience in technology assessment, market research, and venture support.
Join us from 12 PM to 1 PM to learn about CTL Practicum.
Pizza and refreshments will be served!
Date: November 22, 2019
Location: Clark Hall, room 701
RSVP: https://cornell.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cJaupsjtBpiiJwN
More information CTL Practicum webpage https://ctl.cornell.edu/students/