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Category: Cleantech

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Carbon to Stone, Inc

Category: Cleantech
Campus: Ithaca
Incubator: Praxis Center for Venture Development

Carbon mineralization is a natural process. Carbon to Stone perfected a reactive crystallization process​ that matches the scale and speed of climate crisis demands.​

Location: Ithaca, NY

Foundation Cornell Technology Licensed: 2023

CycloPure, Inc.

Category: Cleantech
Campus: Ithaca

CycloPure is engaged in the design, development, and commercialization of a new class of highly adsorbent materials for use in the separation and removal of pollutants, VOCs, and other organic compounds from water and air. The technology was partly developed by the Helbling Research Group at The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. CycloPure has raised $8.81M in funding to date.

Location: Encinitas, CA

Foundation Cornell Technology Licensed: 2016

ExoPower, Inc

Category: Cleantech

ExoPower is revolutionizing charging for mobile robots by solving the battery charging issue through ​an in-motion capacitive wireless solution.

Location: Grand Junction, CO

Foundation Cornell Technology Licensed: 2024

REEgen Inc.

Category: Cleantech
Campus: Ithaca
Incubator: Praxis Center for Venture Development

REEgen is reimagining the global rare earth supply by replacing the most harmful production steps with clean microbial processes, securing these critical elements for a future of unbounded, widespread renewable energy. Other applications include screens of smartphones, computers, flat-panel televisions, the motors of computer drives, batteries of hybrid and electric cars, and new generation light bulbs.

Location: Ithaca, NY

Foundation Cornell Technology Licensed: 2022