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Ignite Innovation Acceleration Commitee Review

Ignite Innovation Acceleration is one of the four Ignite signature programs. Funding is provided in the form of grants to labs to advance inventions toward licensing, startup formation, or industry...

CTL@WCM Office Hours with Eric Bryant

CTL@WCM Office Hours are open to all who wish to gain more information about the advancement of their patent filings and to discuss their technology venture project with a one-on-one...

Ignite Meet Up for Fellows

In January, we will organize our first monthly Ignite Meetup for Fellows. In addition to discussing upcoming training and events for 2023, we will be hosting a conversation with John...

CTL Practicum Social Hour

The Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University (CTL) has historically benefited greatly from working with Cornell’s bright, passionate, and creative students whose many contributions have helped CTL translate Cornell’s...

CTL@WCM Office Hours

CTL@WCM Office Hours are open to all who wish to get answers to their intellectual property questions and gain more information about how to advance their IP towards commercial partnership with a one-on-one meeting.