Alice Li, executive director at the Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University, shares the efforts of AUTM, Cornell University, and other academic institutions to increase women’s participation in innovation and entrepreneurship.

As Alice mentions, “As tech transfer professionals, we are in a unique position to change the landscape for women innovators and entrepreneurs. We are in the trenches, working with and educating vast numbers of researchers in technology creation, evaluation and protection. We partner closely with investors, mentors and industries. We can influence the ecosystem within academia, facilitate connections with industries, and create new programs and models for nurturing women innovators and entrepreneurs. Pilot programs that are effective for women can also be evaluated and adapted to benefit other under-represented demographics within the innovation ecosystem.”
At CTL, we are supporting women with training and mentorship through the Women Innovators Initiative, a Cornell program to engage, empower, and grow women faculty, staff, and graduate students on the path toward technology innovation and entrepreneurial leadership. Also, the newly established Women Innovator Awards is a celebration of Cornell women innovators for their contributions in innovation and commercialization. Learn more about the program here.
Get the Changing the Landscape for Women Innovators and Entrepreneurs article on AUTM’s website.
AUTM is the non-profit leader in efforts to educate, promote and inspire professionals to support the development of academic research that changes the world and drives innovation forward. AUTM’s community is comprised of more than 3,000 members who work in more than 800 universities, research centers, hospitals, businesses and government organizations around the globe.